qt 4.5 emerge problem

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at freenet.de
Tue Mar 17 00:09:30 CET 2009

Ralf Habacker schrieb:
> <snip>
>> issue 3 is still there now with a different file  name

> here too
>         cd src\network\ && nmake -f Makefile
> E:\daten\kde\emerge-msvc-root\tmp\qt-\work\qt-win-opensource-src-msvc2005\bin\qmake 
> E:\downloads\kdesvn\trunk\qt-copy\src\n
> kefile -spec win32-msvc2005
>         nmake -f Makefile
>         nmake -f Makefile.Debug
> NMAKE : fatal error U1073: don't know how to make 
> '..\downloads\kdesvn\trunk\qt-copy\src\corelib\tools\qstring.h'
There must be something wrong in the dependency generating code of qmake 
because in the example below one line uses the correct absolute path, 
two lines are using the wrong relativ path:

..\..\include\QtCore\qplugin.h \
:-(        ..\downloads\kdesvn\trunk\qt-copy\src\corelib\plugin\qplugin.h \
        ..\..\include\QtCore\qfactoryinterface.h \
..\downloads\kdesvn\trunk\qt-copy\src\corelib\plugin\qfactoryinterface.h \

Hmmh, It it funny, that both wrong pathes have three things common
    1. they points to another dir as the currently directory which is build
    2. they points into the source tree
    2. they points both to a file from src\corelib -> this is true also 
for all other cases I found

Hope I will find tomorrow some time to dig into this.


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