4.2.4 unstable

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at freenet.de
Sun Jun 14 16:22:51 CEST 2009

Diego schrieb:
> Patrick Spendrin ha scritto:
>> If somebody has time to test it on a fresh windows install & experiences
>> any problems simply reply here.
> After I got that MSVC 2008 redistributable was missing all went 
> perfectly smooth. I must say that it behaves really well and that all 
> applications (and in particular Plasma) seem to load much faster than 
> MSVC 2005, but maybe it's only me (or my poor old Athlon XP).
I recognized also that kde 4.2.4 applications loads faster then kde 
4.2.3 msvc 2005 applications - nice work.

After some tests I found an issue with okular - it tells it could not 
load okularpart.dll. Running okular with depends shows that it requires 
the qimageblitz package for which no packages seems to be available.


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