new component for target kde-windows in bugzilla

Jaroslaw Staniek staniek at
Thu Jul 16 07:43:07 CEST 2009

2009/7/16 Patrick Spendrin <ps_ml at>:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi developers,
> just today we got a new component in bugzilla for our target
> kde-windows. It is called 'porting' and all those bugs and wishes should
> be assigned there, which are due to disabling features when porting an
> application, missing features that must be reimplemented on windows and
> other stuff that is mainly related to the porting itself.
> This also means that if you're porting a new application to windows
> which resides in KDE's svn directory and you have to disable features or
> you spot features that need a reimplementation on windows, this would be
> the place to load off your bug reports. As well if you spot a
> disabled/missing feature in existing code, please add a report there.
> I want to have this since I think it might give us a bit more overview
> of what we have achieved so far and what we still need to achieve.

That's good idea, thanks!
What would you think about defining another tool (in techbase?),
namely a word that is easily searchable through, e.g.:


We can then enumerate global KDE todos related to the porting efforts
by executing

regards / pozdrawiam, Jaroslaw Staniek
 Kexi & KOffice (,
 KDE Libraries for MS Windows (

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