Trouble compiling with msvc80 and possible solution

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at
Thu Aug 27 00:48:11 CEST 2009

Michael Leupold schrieb:
> Michael Leupold schrieb:
>> Michael Leupold schrieb:
>>> Ralf Habacker schrieb:
>>>> Michael Leupold schrieb:
>>>> this issue is fixed in svn - please run
>>>> emerge --update kdewin
>>> Thanks, mt.exe works fine now.
>>> However I seem to face another bug. It seems cmake uses a wrong build 
>>> order and executes mt as the LAST tool (even after linking). That almost 
>>> looks like a cmake bug, is it? Logs attached.
>> Alright, I found something :-)
>> cmake uses the /notify_update switch on mt.exe (which seems to be 
>> undocumented at least on my version). If this switch is set, mt.exe will 
>> set its return value to 0 if the output file wasn't modified and to 
>> 1090650113 (magic :-)) if the output file was rewritten. Apparently 
>> that's meant to save some time relinking.
>> Recompiling mt.exe with that magic value set as rc (unconditionally) 
>> makes it work.
>> I also found this related commit to cmake which contains an explanation:
> Unfortunately I was rejoicing too early. While the first build works 
> fine with this build, the modified mt.exe (returning magic 
> conditionally) breaks on updating Qt. I pretty much don't have a clue 
> why though and I don't have a lot more time to invest into it :-(
Just a question: why do you still use msvc 2005 - it is deprecated and 
already not downloadable from the microsoft servers.
Also no more kde msvc 2005 binary packages will be generated . The 
offical releases uses msvc 2008.

BTW: Having the command line called and the error message will help to 
analyse the problem.



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