Trouble compiling with msvc80 and possible solution

Michael Leupold lemma at
Sun Aug 23 16:19:54 CEST 2009

Ralf Habacker schrieb:
> Michael Leupold schrieb:
>> Hi there,
>> I tried emerging KDE today and had some trouble compiling. I hope this 
>> has not been brought up before:
>> On msvc80 (2005) kdewin's own manifest tool mt.exe clashes with the one 
>> supplied by the compiler. With the standard environment cmake always 
>> detected the one in %KDEROOT%\bin first but assumed it was the Microsoft 
>> one.
>> Thus it tried to compile like this:
>> -----------------
>> D:/kderoot/bin/mt.exe /nologo /out:automoc4.exe.embed.manifest 
>> /notify_update /manifest automoc4.exe.intermediate.manifest
>> -----------------
>> Obviously this won't work because the mt.exe called doesn't understand 
>> command-line options given with / as a prefix (I tried changing to "-" 
>> and it worked). Instead you end up with an empty manifest and binaries 
>> which don't find their runtime library.
> this issue is fixed in svn - please run
> emerge --update kdewin

Thanks, mt.exe works fine now.

However I seem to face another bug. It seems cmake uses a wrong build 
order and executes mt as the LAST tool (even after linking). That almost 
looks like a cmake bug, is it? Logs attached.

>> Now I'm wondering if there's a reason why the mt build is only excluded 
>> when using msvc90? I checked and both PSDK 2003 R2 and MSVC2005 seem to 
>> ship it (and it seems to work as well).
> The msvc2005 mt tool does not have support to handle uac manifests 
> required for vista and later and requires a self contained mt tool.

Ah, I see. Then it makes sense of course.

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