Linking errors with kdevelop

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sun Sep 21 17:30:17 CEST 2008


I'm a bit at a loss with the attached linking errors, trying to compile
kdevelop/languages/cpp/cppduchain. As far as I can see the needed
libraries are being linked against, so I guess it has something to do
with the template-stuff involved.

The code uses kdevplatform/language/duchain mostly.

Looking at the first error, it complains about
ConstantIntegralType::setValueInternal<__int64>(__int64) not being
found, however a specialzation for exactly this type - unless qint64 is
something different - is in

Can somebody give me a hint what exactly msvc tries to tell me with that
or any of the other errors (which might or might not be related).


You will have a long and boring life.
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