Offline installation

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at
Thu Sep 4 23:36:30 CEST 2008

Aekold Helbrass schrieb:
> Hi all!
> Help me please, can I download (using wget -m) windows kde
> installation and install it offline? 
yes either

- download all files from using 
wget into a local dir outside of the kde installation dir (to have an 
msvc installation exclude the files with mingw in the filename, for a 
mingw installation download exclude the files with the term msvc in the 
name) or

- use the installer to select and download the required packages. When 
the installer is going to install the packages cancel this process, move 
the files from the download directory to a directory on the target pc 
including the config.txt file.

Then start the installer with the path of the directory where the 
downloaded package are located as command line parameter, select the 
required packages and let the installer install it.

In further versions of the installer this feature will be implemented 
more user friendly.
> It looks like KDE-windows
> installer is cleaning download folder before new installation...
I haven't heard about such an issue before - Can  you send in the file 
kdewin-installer.log from the used download dir ?


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