cmake problem on win32

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Wed Oct 22 09:31:45 CEST 2008

On 22.10.08 06:32:35, Christian Ehrlicher wrote:
> Andreas Pakulat schrieb:
>> On 21.10.08 22:48:39, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I've got a small problem here with using INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR during cmake
>>> time. It seems as if that variable is set to "include" instead of an
>>> absolute path. This causes a problem with kdevplatform, because that
>>> variable is used to write a KDevPlatformConfig.cmake with the right
>>> include-dir.
>>> This file now ends up with
>>> set(KDevPlatform_INCLUDE_DIR "include/kdevplatform") 
>>> which of course doesn't work. 
>>> Everything is fine on linux, it only breaks on windows.
>>> looks like this:
>>> set(KDevPlatform_INCLUDE_DIR "@INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR@/kdevplatform")
>> Apparently the reason is FindKDE4Internal.cmake. On Win32 it sets the
>> variable to just "include", while on other platforms it also prepends
>> CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. This seems to happen for all other variables set
>> there as well, is this intentional? Can it be changed to be the same on
>> all platforms? I'd like to avoid the extra check in KDevPlatform if
>> possible.
> Where does INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR come from? You can't know where the user  
> installs your app in the end so using INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR on windows  
> isn't a good idea at all.

Yeah, windows always complicates things :( I've already comitted a fix that
uses the position of the KDevPlatformConfig.cmake file on windows, this is
unfortunately not possible on linux because lib-install-dir might be
in a different prefix than include-install-dir.


Good day to deal with people in high places; particularly lonely stewardesses.

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