cmake problem on win32

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Tue Oct 21 23:05:38 CEST 2008

On 21.10.08 22:48:39, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> Hi,
> I've got a small problem here with using INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR during cmake
> time. It seems as if that variable is set to "include" instead of an
> absolute path. This causes a problem with kdevplatform, because that
> variable is used to write a KDevPlatformConfig.cmake with the right
> include-dir.
> This file now ends up with
> set(KDevPlatform_INCLUDE_DIR "include/kdevplatform") 
> which of course doesn't work. 
> Everything is fine on linux, it only breaks on windows.
> looks like this:
> set(KDevPlatform_INCLUDE_DIR "@INCLUDE_INSTALL_DIR@/kdevplatform")

Apparently the reason is FindKDE4Internal.cmake. On Win32 it sets the
variable to just "include", while on other platforms it also prepends
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX. This seems to happen for all other variables set
there as well, is this intentional? Can it be changed to be the same on
all platforms? I'd like to avoid the extra check in KDevPlatform if


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