Trouble during KsirK checkout

Laurent Vromman laurent at
Fri May 9 14:07:29 CEST 2008


KsirK has two files with the same name, but with different cases.

When I try to emerge kdegames, it fails because those two files are the 
same for windows case insensitive filesystem.

A    kdegames\ksirk\KsirK.spec
A    kdegames\ksirk\ksirk.spec

svn: Impossible de copier 
'kdegames\ksirk\.svn\tmp\text-base\ksirk.spec.svn-base' vers 
'kdegames\ksirk\.svn\tmp\ksirk.spec.tmp.tmp': No error
emerge fatal error: while checking out. cmd: svn update  kdegames

Are the two spec files used by KsirK ? What should I do to emerge 
kdegames, including ksirk if it is possible ?

Thank you for your help


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