Having tourble to install kdelibs on windows

Laurent Vromman laurent at vromman.org
Wed May 7 03:03:51 CEST 2008


I'm trying to install kde on windows, using this way :

    svn co svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/kdesupport/emerge


    emerge mingw

    emerge kdelibs

Kdelibs fails to install. Since I am not an expert, I can't really 
explain why, but I have found some errors in the "emerge kdelibs" output :

CMake Error: Cannot find source file "org.kde.kded.xml"

Tried extensions .c .C .c++ .cc .cpp .cxx .m .M .mm .h .hh .h++ .hm .hpp 
.hxx .in .txx
-- Found LibXml2: E:/kderoot/lib/libxml2.dll.a
-- Found LibXslt: E:/kderoot/lib/libxslt.dll.a
-- Found shared-mime-info version: 0.22
-- Looking for __progname
-- Looking for __progname - not found
-- Looking for __progname_full
-- Looking for __progname_full - not found
-- Looking for include files HAVE_SYS_PSTAT_H
-- Looking for include files HAVE_SYS_PSTAT_H - not found.
-- Looking for pstat
-- Looking for pstat - not found
-- Looking for setproctitle
-- Looking for setproctitle - not found
-- Found ASPELL: E:/kderoot/lib/libaspell.dll.a
-- Could not find OPTIONAL package HSPELL
-- Could not find OPTIONAL package ENCHANT
-- Found JPEG: E:/kderoot/lib/libjpeg.dll.a
-- Performing Test GIF_FOUND
-- Performing Test GIF_FOUND - Success
-- Found GIF: E:/kderoot/lib/libgif.dll.a
-- Found PNG: E:/kderoot/lib/libpng12.dll.a
-- Found JPEG: E:/kderoot/lib/libjpeg.dll.a
-- Found Jasper: E:/kderoot/lib/libjasper.dll.a
-- Could not find OPTIONAL package Avahi
-- The following external packages were located on your system.
-- This installation will have the extra features provided by these 
+ BZip2
+ OpenSSL
+ Libintl
+ OpenGL
+ Soprano
+ Aspell
+ JasPer
-- The following OPTIONAL packages could NOT be located on your system.
-- Consider installing them to enable more features from this software.
+ FAM: File Alteration Monitor <http://oss.sgi.com/projects/fam>
Provides file alteration notification facilities using a separate service.
+ GSSAPI: Generic Security Services API <http://web.mit.edu/kerberos/www>
A MIT or HEIMDAL flavor of GSSAPI to provide HTTP authentication services.
+ HSpell: Hebrew spell checker <http://ivrix.org.il/projects/spell-checker/>
Provides spell checking for Hebrew.
+ Enchant: Enchant Package <http://www.abisource.com/projects/enchant/>
Provides a way to access many spell checking backends.
+ OpenEXR: OpenEXR Package <http://www.openexr.com/>
High dynamic range image manipulation library.
+ Avahi: For Linux and BSDs: a system which facilitates service 
discovery on a local network, based on the Zeroconf standard 
Enables KDE applications access to multicast DNS/DNS-SD service discovery.
+ DNSSD: For MacOS and platforms without Avahi: A system which 
facilitates service discovery on a local network, based on the Zeroconf 
standard <http://www.zeroconf.org>
Enables KDE applications access to multicast DNS/DNS-SD service discovery.

-- Configuring done
emerge fatal error: while CMake'ing. cmd: cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" 
e:\kderoot\svn\trunk\KDE\kdelibs -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=e:/kderoot 
-DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH=e:/kderoot/lib -DKDEWIN_DIR:PATH=e:/kderoot 
emerge fatal error: running python 
e:\kderoot\emerge\portage\kde\kdelibs\kdelibs-20080202.py compile



Here is a list of the already installed packages :
E:\kderoot>emerge --print-installed
emerge.bat executed
Category                 Package                  Version
--------                 -------                  -------
kdesupport               soprano        
kdesupport               strigi         
kdesupport               clucene-core   
kdesupport               akonadi                  0.80.0-20080423
kdesupport               kdewin32       
kdesupport               automoc                  20080426
kdesupport               qimageblitz    
contributed              gpgme-qt                 20080115
virtual                  base                     0.2
dev-util                 subversion     
dev-util                 cmake                    2.6.0
dev-util                 mingw                    3.4.5
dev-util                 perl           
dev-util                 win32libs                20080129
libs                     qt             
gnuwin32                 patch                    2.5.9-7
gnuwin32                 wget                     1.10.1
gnuwin32                 sed                      4.1.5


Does anyone know what happened ? Is there a way to correct this problem ?

Thank you for your help

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