[rfc] Windows integration utilities - KDE::Windows namespace

Jarosław Staniek js at iidea.pl
Thu Mar 27 17:13:11 CET 2008

kdecore/kernel/kkernel_win.{h|cpp} already provides some utilities useful for 
Windows integration but even if the symbols are exported, the file is not 
installed, so the functions were internal so far.

I propose to create KDE::Windows namespace, used in kdewindows.{h|cpp}.
The functions would be used not only in kdelibs (and thus
e.g. showWin32FilePropertyDialog() could be replaced by 
KDE::Windows::showFilePropertyDialog()) but also shall be provided provided 
for finer integration with the OS at applications' level.

I am attaching kdewindows.h for now, the cpp is similar to kkernel_win.cpp.

If that's reasonable for you, before applying any changes we'd need to agree 
on the location of the files, currently named as kdewindows.{h|cpp}. I propose 
kdecore/utils/, which is apparently better than kdecore/kernel/. Other 
possible location could be a new dir like kdecore/integration/.

Why not in kdesupport? kdesupport/kdewin32 is non-Qt lib, while our utils 
operate on QString (and will probably use containers too) for convenience.

PS: I can see there's KXUtils namespace used for X11-related utils in kdeui.

regards / pozdrawiam, Jaroslaw Staniek
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  KDE Libraries for MS Windows (http://windows.kde.org)
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