finding top-level dirs on windows

Christian Ehrlicher Ch.Ehrlicher at
Sun Mar 9 15:18:04 CET 2008

Matthias Pospiech schrieb:
> Christian Ehrlicher schrieb:
>> With a hardcoded registry key we loose the possibility to ship kde on 
>> an usb stick. We maybe can update the registry key on runtime so it 
>> gets adjusted every time kdecore.dll is loaded.
> I just want to mention, that there are tools which check every registry 
> access and pop up with a warning. Having a frequent registry access 
> would be in that case very annoying.
> A similar situtation exists already with tcp requests which make a 
> firewall pop up with every kde application.
Use a better firewall - or use the checkbox to allow the process to 
modify this special registry key without asking every time.


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