Building Strigi on Windows

Christian Ehrlicher Ch.Ehrlicher at
Wed Jun 25 21:39:18 CEST 2008

Pau Garcia i Quiles schrieb:
> Quoting Christian Ehrlicher <Ch.Ehrlicher at>:
>>> Von: Pau Garcia i Quiles
>>> Quoting Christian Ehrlicher
>>>> Pau Garcia i Quiles schrieb:
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> Building Strigi on Windows fails for me if Java is installed.
>>>>> The relevant part is trunk/kdesupport/strigi/src/xsd/CMakeLists.txt
>>>>>   lines 39 to 84. When Java 1.5+ is installed, the files
>>>>> metadataproperties.h, metadataproperties.cpp and
>>>>> metadatapropertiestest.cpp are regenerated but they are created in
>>>>> I've done some testing and it's like CMake is ignoring the
>>>>> WORKING_DIRECTORY parameter because whatever I set as
>>>>> WORKING_DIRECTORY, the files are always generated in
>>>>> CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR. I have been unable to reproduce this
>>>>> behavior, though.
>>>>> I've tested both CMake 2.4.8 and CMake 2.6.0. Java version is Sun's
>>>>>   1.6.0_06 and I'd say it's working fine. No, I have not tried on
>>>>> Linux  (yet).
>>>> Plz tell the strigi devs about the problem.
>>> I did and he told me to ask you :-D
>>> [23:52] <pgquiles> vandenoever: src/xsd/CMakeLists.txt fails on
>>> Windows when generating metadataproperties.h/.cpp and
>>> metadatapropertiestest.cpp, they are generated in
>>> been looking at the CMakeLists.txt but I cannot find why!
>>> [23:52] <pgquiles> using cmake 2.6.0 btw
>>> [23:52] <pgquiles> with java
>>> [23:52] <pgquiles> (1.6.0)
>>> [23:59] <pgquiles> same with cmake 2.4.8
>>> [00:06] <vandenoever> pgquiles: perhaps cherlich knows?
>>> [00:07] <pgquiles> vandenoever: I'll ask him when he's around but the
>>> CMakeLists.txt looks fine to me :-/
>>> [00:09] <vandenoever> pgquiles: i'm not really into the higher art of
>>> cmake in windows ...
>> *hmpf* - lazy vandenoever :-)
> :-)
>> How did you enable java support at all? java.exe in PATH?
> Yes. Sun Java installs %WINDIR%\System32\java.exe
Ok, I need javac.exe which is not shipped with the JRE - so you have to 
figue out by your own.


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