dbus-daemon.exe taking 99% CPU

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at freenet.de
Thu Jul 31 20:02:33 CEST 2008

Iuri Fiedoruk schrieb:
> Hum, what if the computer has no network? :)
> [just curious]
We are aware of this problem which is caused by limitations of the 
recent unix orientated implementation. We would like to have a new qtbus 
based implementation without such limitations as fast as possible and we 
are looking for people working on this new implementation.

> Anyway, anyone else got this problem?
I haven't heard about such problems - there are only some hinte - can 
you try the following procedure::

1. open command shell  and navigate to <kde-install>/bin
2. run


does dbus-daemon eats 99% cpu ?

3. run

start klauncher

 does dbus-daemon eats 99% cpu ?

4. run
    start kded4

 does dbus-daemon eats 99% cpu ?

after this procedure the kde background processes are running

5. run

 does dbus-daemon eats 99% cpu ?


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