klauncher crash (due to qdbus?)

Jaroslaw Staniek js at iidea.pl
Mon Jul 14 22:53:16 CEST 2008

Reported to http://trolltech.com/bugreport-form and CC'd here.
Perhaps someone has any idea.

Platform details
Qt from KDE's qt-copy.

Compiler: MSVC 2005 SP1

Description: Crash in QDBus

What I did: KDE4's klauncher application occasionally crashes.

What I expected to see: Proper connection closing.

What I got instead:
A crash, the backtrace is as follows.
Note that QEvent::ChildRemoved event is sent to QDBusConnectionPrivate 
receiver=0x02b09400 here but we are already in its destructor 

  	QtCored4.dll!QCoreApplication::notifyInternal(QObject * 
receiver=0x02b09400, QEvent * event=0x00dbfb78)  Line 587 + 0x10 bytes	C++
  	QtCored4.dll!QCoreApplication::sendEvent(QObject * receiver=0x02b09400, 
QEvent * event=0x00dbfb78)  Line 215 + 0x39 bytes	C++
  	QtCored4.dll!QObjectPrivate::setParent_helper(QObject * o=0x00000000)  Line 
1886 + 0x10 bytes	C++
  	QtCored4.dll!QObject::~QObject()  Line 883	C++
  	QtCored4.dll!QSocketNotifier::~QSocketNotifier()  Line 238 + 0xf bytes	C++
  	QtDBusd4.dll!QSocketNotifier::`scalar deleting destructor'()  + 0x10 bytes	C++
  	QtDBusd4.dll!qDBusRealRemoveWatch(QDBusConnectionPrivate * d=0x02b09400, 
DBusWatch * watch=0x02af6b40, int fd=656)  Line 282 + 0x29 bytes	C++
  	QtDBusd4.dll!qDBusRemoveWatch(DBusWatch * watch=0x02af6b40, void * 
data=0x02b09400)  Line 267 + 0x11 bytes	C++
  	dbus-1d.dll!_dbus_watch_list_remove_watch(DBusWatchList * 
watch_list=0x02c2e820, DBusWatch * watch=0x02af6b40)  Line 396 + 0x15 bytes	C
  	dbus-1d.dll!protected_change_watch(DBusConnection * connection=0x02b0bae8, 
DBusWatch * watch=0x02af6b40, unsigned int (DBusWatchList *, DBusWatch *)* 
add_function=0x00000000, void (DBusWatchList *, DBusWatch *)* 
remove_function=0x00292072, void (DBusWatchList *, DBusWatch *, unsigned int)* 
toggle_function=0x00000000, unsigned int enabled=0)  Line 671 + 0xd bytes	C
  	dbus-1d.dll!_dbus_connection_remove_watch_unlocked(DBusConnection * 
connection=0x02b0bae8, DBusWatch * watch=0x02af6b40)  Line 726 + 0x18 bytes	C
  	dbus-1d.dll!free_watches(DBusTransport * transport=0x02afdec8)  Line 81 + 
0x13 bytes	C
  	dbus-1d.dll!socket_disconnect(DBusTransport * transport=0x02afdec8)  Line 
908 + 0x9 bytes	C
  	dbus-1d.dll!_dbus_transport_disconnect(DBusTransport * 
transport=0x02afdec8)  Line 494 + 0x11 bytes	C
dbus-1d.dll!_dbus_connection_close_possibly_shared_and_unlock(DBusConnection * 
connection=0x02b0bae8)  Line 2709 + 0xc bytes	C
  	dbus-1d.dll!dbus_connection_close(DBusConnection * connection=0x02b0bae8) 
Line 2789 + 0x9 bytes	C
  	QtDBusd4.dll!q_dbus_connection_close(DBusConnection * 
connection=0x02b0bae8)  Line 99 + 0xc bytes	C++
 >	QtDBusd4.dll!QDBusConnectionPrivate::closeConnection()  Line 957 + 0xc 
bytes	C++
  	QtDBusd4.dll!QDBusConnectionPrivate::~QDBusConnectionPrivate()  Line 918	C++
  	QtDBusd4.dll!QDBusConnectionPrivate::`scalar deleting destructor'()  + 
0xf bytes	C++
  	QtDBusd4.dll!QDBusConnectionPrivate::deleteYourself()  Line 940 + 0x21 
bytes	C++
  	QtDBusd4.dll!QDBusConnection::~QDBusConnection()  Line 290	C++
  	QtDBusd4.dll!QDBusDefaultConnection::~QDBusDefaultConnection()  Line 903 + 
0x7a bytes	C++
  	QtDBusd4.dll!QDBusDefaultConnection::`scalar deleting destructor'()  + 
0xf bytes	C++
  Line 1568 + 0x23 bytes	C++
  	QtDBusd4.dll!`_q_sessionBus'::`8'::`dynamic atexit destructor for 
'cleanup''()  + 0xd bytes	C++
  	QtDBusd4.dll!_CRT_INIT(void * hDllHandle=0x00200000, unsigned long 
dwReason=0, void * lpreserved=0x00000001)  Line 420	C
  	QtDBusd4.dll!__DllMainCRTStartup(void * hDllHandle=0x00200000, unsigned 
long dwReason=0, void * lpreserved=0x00000001)  Line 512 + 0x11 bytes	C
  	QtDBusd4.dll!_DllMainCRTStartup(void * hDllHandle=0x00200000, unsigned long 
dwReason=0, void * lpreserved=0x00000001)  Line 462 + 0x11 bytes	C

regards / pozdrawiam, Jaroslaw Staniek
  Sponsored by OpenOffice Polska (http://www.openoffice.com.pl/en) to work on
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