File Downloading on GUI Installer

Lavacano Volblaster themaestroofemail at
Fri Jul 11 06:40:04 CEST 2008

Well, I was running the latest installer again (too lazy to compile on 
Windows), and I told it to update my current packages, as well as 
install the Romanian language. It said "Download of 
[I don't remember the actual filename] failed with no error". I hit 
Retry, thinking it might be a connectivity deal, but it happened again. 
So I clicked Ignore. The rest of the files are downloading OK. Is this 
just a missing MD5 file, or is it something worse?

Proposed Additions to the PDP-11 Instruction Set:

PI      Punch Invalid
POPI    Punch Operator Immediately
PVLC    Punch Variable Length Card
RASC    Read And Shred Card
RPM     Read Programmers Mind
RSSC    reduce speed, step carefully  (for improved accuracy)
RTAB    Rewind tape and break
RWDSK   rewind disk
RWOC    Read Writing On Card
SCRBL   scribble to disk  - faster than a write
SLC     Search for Lost Chord
SPSW    Scramble Program Status Word
SRSD    Seek Record and Scar Disk
STROM   Store in Read Only Memory
TDB     Transfer and Drop Bit
WBT     Water Binary Tree

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