[patch] [v4] Testing the new patched windbus + mingw binaries
Jaroslaw Staniek
js at iidea.pl
Thu Jul 3 15:56:32 CEST 2008
Christian Ehrlicher said the following, On 2008-07-02 20:44:
> Jaroslaw Staniek schrieb:
>> Version 4 of the patch: added changes to dbus/dbus-misc.c and
>> cmake/dbus/dbus-1.def.cmake, i.e. dbus_kde_patch symbol for
>> {lib}dbus-1{d}.
> Hi,
> can you try to make a diff against svn head only? I applied all your
> patches some minutes ago.
Thanks, attached the patch which is now very small (for dbus/dbus-misc.c and
cmake/dbus/dbus-1.def.cmake only).
> Are you plan to try to get some of your changes into dbus main?
I would like to propose that. What features do you mean?
How could we merge them?
> Afaics some are non-windows specific.
For example?
I thought my changes are ifdef'd.
Thanks for trying them!
PS: I can see you have fixed dbus emerge package. Cool, let me know when you
commit the remaining dbus_kde_patch_symbol.patch, so I can inform guys that
want this functionality about availability of the emerge package.
regards / pozdrawiam, Jaroslaw Staniek
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