KDE Installation instructions

S Page skierpage at earthlink.net
Sat Jan 26 06:13:44 CET 2008

Saro Engels wrote:

> please try to kill all kde related applications first (especially 
> kioslave.exe, kded4.exe and klauncher.exe).
> then run:
> C:\kdewin-installer\Flock> update-mime-database 
> C:\kdewin-installer\Flock\share\mime
> and then:
> C:\kdewin-installer\Flock> kbuildsycoca4 --noincremental

Thanks for adding these steps to

They solved my problems with saving and opening files.  KDE4 on Windows 
is much more usable for me now!

As written there they don't quite work, because that page doesn't say to 
add KDExxx\bin to your PATH, just "your lib directory".  I ran the 
commands with bin\ prepended and they worked fine so I changed the 
instructions.  (Or you could tell people to first navigate to 
KDExxxx\bin; or if people need KDExxx\bin in their PATH then let us know.)

I was confused by this sentence:
"Even if you should set XDG_DATA_HOME or XDG_DATA_DIRS it worked perfectly."

Do people building from source or using emerge need to run the same 
steps?  If so, perhaps they should be on a common page, "KDE on 

=S Page

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