beginner questions about emerge

Clinton Reddekop clinton.reddekop at
Mon Jan 7 21:22:25 CET 2008

Hello again,

'emerge kdesdk' gets much further now, but eventually has this problem:

    -- Found KDE4 automoc: C:/kderoot/bin/kde4automoc.exe
    -- Could not find OPTIONAL package Sasl2
    CMake Error: Could not find the location of the windows supplementary
packages w
    hich is
                    environment variable KDEWIN_DIR

    -- Configuring done
    emerge fatal error: os.system ( cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" ..\kdepimlibs
    _INSTALL_PREFIX=c:/kderoot -DCMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH=c:/kderoot/include
    -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH=c:/kderoot/lib   -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug ) failed
    emerge fatal error: running python
c:\kderoot\emerge\portage\kde\kdepimlibs\kdep compile

Can anyone help me fix this?  What are the "windows supplementary
packages"?  Should I have set KDEWIN_DIR somewhere?

Thank you,
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