Ports pulling in kdebase-runtime

Patrick Spendrin ps_ml at gmx.de
Fri Feb 29 01:47:13 CET 2008

Jeff Mitchell schrieb:
> I noticed when trying to emerge amarok and kdepim that they are both 
> trying to pull in kdebase-runtime.  But I already have kdebase 
> installed, which according to the ebuild looks like it should be the 
> entire thing.  Is this a case of bad dependency checking?  Or is there 
> some reason it needs kdebase-runtime too?
> Thanks,
> Jeff

No, I don't make wrong dependencies ;-), the main reason is the 
packaging of the snapshots:
There you can find three packages, kdebase-runtime, kdebase-apps and 
Currently the workspace part doesn't build anyway under windows (no need 
to try).
The old kdebase package was made up of all three packages; the packages 
only depended on the runtime part though. As it is easier for us to 
follow the given rules, I split up the packages.
I have changed the package to be a virtual package now.
Please use kdebase-runtime and kdebase-apps instead for future builds.


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