Looking for hints on getting kdewin-installer-gui-0.9.0-1.exe to work

Gudmund Areskoug gudmundpublic at gmail.com
Thu Feb 28 09:09:07 CET 2008

Ralf Habacker wrote:
> Gudmund Areskoug schrieb:
>>>> A Windows registry thing? Wonder if it's possible to do away with
>>>> registry and/or forced installations, making things more like portable apps.
>>> no
>> Pity (if "no, we can't do away with registry etc." is what you meant).
> i meaned the installer does not use any registry settings. You can move 
> a kde installation to another path and should be able to run all 
> applications from there (after a config update with kbuildsycoca4)

Wonderful, will try. Perhaps I could bring a choice set of KDE apps
along with me on my USB HD in the near future.

Next step after that would be to investigate how to "zwitter" it into
being able to run things on Linux (maybe even Mac?) too. The executables
aren't cross-platform portable, presumably, but perhaps other things
might be. At least the data repositories (mail files, documents etc.)
and perhaps some settings files might/should be, even if libraries
probably aren't.


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