
Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at freenet.de
Mon Feb 25 14:54:04 CET 2008

Jarosław Staniek schrieb:
> David Faure said the following, On 2008-02-25 13:48:
>> It's used for finding installed applications (desktop files) on the system.
>> But I'm not sure you care for cohabitation with gnome-on-windows or other linux-apps-ported-to-windows at this point just yet :)
> We wouldn't care. By the time, really I am predicting: 
> GNOME-on-windows-or-whatever-it-would-be-named would heavily depend on .NET 
> subsystem.
>> In the long run I guess you'll need to generate desktop files for installed apps on windows 
>  > [or make kbuildsycoca create kservices from installed apps],
>  >so that one can set up mime-app associations like "clicking on .doc in dolphin
>  > or konqueror opens in MS Word",
>  > but this is unrelated to XDG_DATA_DIRS then.
> For that one I am rather thinking on integrating with HKCU registry classes, 
> nicely wrapped. Otherwise user would not see changes made to mimetype 
> associations in non-kde windows apps, e.g. explorer.exe (and conversely).
I haven't seen the original thread so i can only assume what the exact 
topic was and the answer may be not exactly, but about windows start 
menu entries the following should be said:
The kdewin-installer has support to create windows start menu entry from 
desktop files. The currently implementation is based on the complete kde 
installation (kdewin-menubuilder) and there are plans to change this to 
a package related way. This means that start menu entries will be 
added/removed when a related package is installed/uninstalled.


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