kdewininstaller 0.90-1 crashs after downloading the "package list" from the mirror

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at freenet.de
Thu Feb 21 08:43:40 CET 2008

Torsten Krah schrieb:
> Am Dienstag, 19. Februar 2008 21:24:42 schrieben Sie:
>> Torsten Krah schrieb:
>>> Hi.
>>> Downloaded the installer and selected User/MSVC and direct connection to
>>> the internet.
>>> After selecting the mirror the app downloads the package list and after
>>> that it crashs and gets terminated - any hints whats wrong or missing on
>>> my system (win xp prof sp2)?
>> which mirror are you ar using ? can you send in the file
>> kdewin-installer.log which is located in the download dir and if there
>> is a dialog box which like to send a problem report the information inside
>> ?
>> Ralf
> I am using the ftp-stud.fht-esslingen.de mirror - it happens with other 
> mirrors too.
> Log is attached.
> At the end of the log i found this:
> [2008-02-20 14:50:51] Fatal:ASSERT failure in QList<T>::operator[]: "index out 
> of range", file C:\daten\kde\kdesupport\qt-static-msvc-4.3.2\bin\..
> \include\QtCore/qlist.h, line 394
Thanks for this detailed report, which let me find the problem. I will 
make the installer more robust in this case and to be able to use 
installer release 0.9.0-1 I have uploaded an updated configuration. 
Until the new config is available on the mirror,which need some hours 
and an updated installer is released, you can try the following workaround:

1. Open the file config.txt in your kde download directory with an editor.
2. Change line 29 from
        @url .
(the '.' has to be added)  and save the file in the download directory 
under the name config-remote.txt.

2. Start installer - it will use config-remote.txt as configuration file 
without downloading a fresh copy and you should be able to install kde 
Please remove config-remote.txt after installing otherwise you are not 
able to get notice about new packages.


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