
Alex Plutalov alexlaway at gmail.com
Mon Feb 18 12:06:23 CET 2008

Здравствуйте, kde-windows-request.

Вы писали 18 февраля 2008 г., 12:52:38:

kwrko> Send Kde-windows mailing list submissions to
kwrko>         kde-windows at kde.org

kwrko> To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
kwrko>         https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kde-windows
kwrko> or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
kwrko>         kde-windows-request at kde.org

kwrko> You can reach the person managing the list at
kwrko>         kde-windows-owner at kde.org

kwrko> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
kwrko> than "Re: Contents of Kde-windows digest..."

kwrko> Today's Topics:

kwrko>    1. Re: Crash on Startup in realease of amarok (Ralf Habacker)
kwrko>    2. Re: Crash on Startup in realease of amarok (Matthias Pospiech)
kwrko>    3. Re: Crash on Startup in realease of amarok (Christian Ehrlicher)
kwrko>    4. Re: Crash on Startup in realease of amarok (Matthias Pospiech)
kwrko>    5. Re: Crash on Startup in realease of amarok (Ralf Habacker)
kwrko>    6. Re: Crash on Startup in realease of amarok (Matthias Pospiech)
kwrko>    7. Re: Crash on Startup in realease of amarok (Ralf Habacker)
kwrko>    8. bug reporting (Clinton Reddekop)
kwrko>    9. Re: bug reporting (Christian Ehrlicher)
kwrko>   10. Re: bug reporting (Andreas Pakulat)
kwrko>   11. Re: bug reporting (Holger Schr?der)
kwrko>   12. Re: Crash on Startup in realease of amarok (Matthias Pospiech)

kwrko> ----------------------------------------------------------------------

kwrko> Message: 1
kwrko> Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2008 14:36:31 +0100
kwrko> From: Ralf Habacker <ralf.habacker at freenet.de>
kwrko> Subject: Re: Crash on Startup in realease of amarok
kwrko> To: KDE on Windows <kde-windows at kde.org>
kwrko> Message-ID: <47B8385F.5040809 at freenet.de>
kwrko> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

kwrko> Matthias Pospiech schrieb:
>> If I start amarok of the latest release of kde-windows then I directly 
>> get a crash with "Procedureinsprungspunkt ... nicht gefunden in "tag.dll""
>> I was wondering if this is due to an error in the installation or a 
>> path-setting or a bug in amarok?
kwrko> You are using problably an outdated taglib library. You can see this by
kwrko> looking for taglib-* files in  <installroot>/manifest for example:

kwrko>  taglib-msvc-1.4.0-4-bin.mft
kwrko>  taglib-msvc-1.4.0-4-bin.ver
kwrko>  taglib-msvc-1.4.0-4-lib.mft
kwrko>  taglib-msvc-1.4.0-4-lib.ver

kwrko> which say that version 1.4.0-4 is installed.

kwrko> Ralf

kwrko> ------------------------------

kwrko> Message: 2
kwrko> Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2008 14:48:20 +0100
kwrko> From: Matthias Pospiech <matthias.pospiech at gmx.de>
kwrko> Subject: Re: Crash on Startup in realease of amarok
kwrko> To: KDE on Windows <kde-windows at kde.org>
kwrko> Message-ID: <47B83B24.6090709 at gmx.de>
kwrko> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

kwrko> Ralf Habacker schrieb:
>> Matthias Pospiech schrieb:
>>> If I start amarok of the latest release of kde-windows then I directly 
>>> get a crash with "Procedureinsprungspunkt ... nicht gefunden in "tag.dll""
>>> I was wondering if this is due to an error in the installation or a 
>>> path-setting or a bug in amarok?
>> You are using problably an outdated taglib library. You can see this by 
>> looking for taglib-* files in  <installroot>/manifest for example:
>>  taglib-msvc-1.4.0-4-bin.mft
>>  taglib-msvc-1.4.0-4-bin.ver
>>  taglib-msvc-1.4.0-4-lib.mft
>>  taglib-msvc-1.4.0-4-lib.ver
>> which say that version 1.4.0-4 is installed.
kwrko> In my case it is Version 1.4.0-3 with all mingw and msvc files.

kwrko> If I restart the installer it shows all packages except base and amarok
kwrko> as old and the box is not selected. However I had already selected these
kwrko> to be updated, which downloaded at least somethign and installed 
kwrko> something. If  I now select these packages again it seems to go through
kwrko> the same process again. However If I restart the installer afterwards 
kwrko> the sitation is as it as before.
kwrko> The taglib version does not change as well. I am Confused...

kwrko> Matthias

kwrko> -------------- next part --------------
kwrko> An HTML attachment was scrubbed...
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kwrko> http://mail.kde.org/pipermail/kde-windows/attachments/20080217/6cff7a2f/attachment-0001.html

kwrko> ------------------------------

kwrko> Message: 3
kwrko> Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2008 14:57:46 +0100
kwrko> From: Christian Ehrlicher <Ch.Ehrlicher at gmx.de>
kwrko> Subject: Re: Crash on Startup in realease of amarok
kwrko> To: KDE on Windows <kde-windows at kde.org>
kwrko> Message-ID: <47B83D5A.4030004 at gmx.de>
kwrko> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

kwrko> Matthias Pospiech schrieb:
>> Ralf Habacker schrieb:
>>> Matthias Pospiech schrieb:
>>>> If I start amarok of the latest release of kde-windows then I directly 
>>>> get a crash with "Procedureinsprungspunkt ... nicht gefunden in "tag.dll""
>>>> I was wondering if this is due to an error in the installation or a 
>>>> path-setting or a bug in amarok?
>>> You are using problably an outdated taglib library. You can see this by 
>>> looking for taglib-* files in  <installroot>/manifest for example:
>>>  taglib-msvc-1.4.0-4-bin.mft
>>>  taglib-msvc-1.4.0-4-bin.ver
>>>  taglib-msvc-1.4.0-4-lib.mft
>>>  taglib-msvc-1.4.0-4-lib.ver
>>> which say that version 1.4.0-4 is installed.
>> In my case it is Version 1.4.0-3 with all mingw and msvc files.
>> If I restart the installer it shows all packages except base and amarok 
>> as old and the box is not selected. However I had already selected these 
>> to be updated, which downloaded at least somethign and installed 
>> something. If  I now select these packages again it seems to go through 
>> the same process again. However If I restart the installer afterwards 
>> the sitation is as it as before.
>> The taglib version does not change as well. I am Confused...
kwrko> Then completly remove taglib!

kwrko> Christian

kwrko> ------------------------------

kwrko> Message: 4
kwrko> Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2008 15:12:43 +0100
kwrko> From: Matthias Pospiech <matthias.pospiech at gmx.de>
kwrko> Subject: Re: Crash on Startup in realease of amarok
kwrko> To: KDE on Windows <kde-windows at kde.org>
kwrko> Message-ID: <47B840DB.7040400 at gmx.de>
kwrko> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

kwrko> Christian Ehrlicher schrieb:
>> Then completly remove taglib!
kwrko> What shall I remove concrete?
kwrko> I now removed all occuriencies of taglib, but that does not trigger any
kwrko> change in the installer nor does it leads to a start of amarok.

kwrko> I do not wnat tot spent much time or use your time on this issue. So if
kwrko> it could be solved very easily I might go further, if not it does not 
kwrko> matter.

kwrko> Matthias

kwrko> ------------------------------

kwrko> Message: 5
kwrko> Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2008 15:52:16 +0100
kwrko> From: Ralf Habacker <ralf.habacker at freenet.de>
kwrko> Subject: Re: Crash on Startup in realease of amarok
kwrko> To: KDE on Windows <kde-windows at kde.org>
kwrko> Message-ID: <47B84A20.2090403 at freenet.de>
kwrko> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

kwrko> Matthias Pospiech schrieb:
>> Ralf Habacker schrieb:
>>> Matthias Pospiech schrieb:
>>>> If I start amarok of the latest release of kde-windows then I directly 
>>>> get a crash with "Procedureinsprungspunkt ... nicht gefunden in "tag.dll""
>>>> I was wondering if this is due to an error in the installation or a 
>>>> path-setting or a bug in amarok?
>>> You are using problably an outdated taglib library. You can see this by 
>>> looking for taglib-* files in  <installroot>/manifest for example:
>>>  taglib-msvc-1.4.0-4-bin.mft
>>>  taglib-msvc-1.4.0-4-bin.ver
>>>  taglib-msvc-1.4.0-4-lib.mft
>>>  taglib-msvc-1.4.0-4-lib.ver
>>> which say that version 1.4.0-4 is installed.
>> In my case it is Version 1.4.0-3 with all mingw and msvc files.
kwrko> this is probably the problem. Which installer version are you using ? 
kwrko> Installer versions before 0.8.6 let you choice to install mingw *and* 
kwrko> msvc versions, (compiler type unspecified)  which may result in 
kwrko> corrupted installations.  I suggest to update to a recent installer 
kwrko> (0.9.0-1)  to remove the complete installation directory (not the 
kwrko> directory where you downloaded the files, you need mostly of them for 
kwrko> further installations) and to chooce a specific compiler and install the
kwrko> packages again.

kwrko> Ralf

kwrko> ------------------------------

kwrko> Message: 6
kwrko> Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2008 16:41:36 +0100
kwrko> From: Matthias Pospiech <matthias.pospiech at gmx.de>
kwrko> Subject: Re: Crash on Startup in realease of amarok
kwrko> To: KDE on Windows <kde-windows at kde.org>
kwrko> Message-ID: <47B855B0.80403 at gmx.de>
kwrko> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

kwrko> Ralf Habacker schrieb:
>> I suggest to update to a recent installer 
>> (0.9.0-1)  to remove the complete installation directory (not the 
>> directory where you downloaded the files, you need mostly of them for 
>> further installations) and to chooce a specific compiler and install the 
>> packages again.
kwrko> The situation was exactly as you have described it.
kwrko> I now deleted the whole directory and installed it again. Now amarok 
kwrko> start, but stop with the message that no sound engines were found.

kwrko> Matthias

kwrko> ------------------------------

kwrko> Message: 7
kwrko> Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2008 16:56:17 +0100
kwrko> From: Ralf Habacker <ralf.habacker at freenet.de>
kwrko> Subject: Re: Crash on Startup in realease of amarok
kwrko> To: KDE on Windows <kde-windows at kde.org>
kwrko> Message-ID: <47B85921.7000609 at freenet.de>
kwrko> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

kwrko> Matthias Pospiech schrieb:
>> Ralf Habacker schrieb:
>>> I suggest to update to a recent installer 
>>> (0.9.0-1)  to remove the complete installation directory (not the 
>>> directory where you downloaded the files, you need mostly of them for 
>>> further installations) and to chooce a specific compiler and install the 
>>> packages again.
>> The situation was exactly as you have described it.
>> I now deleted the whole directory and installed it again. Now amarok 
>> start, but stop with the message that no sound engines were found.
kwrko> It may be that the kde database is outdated. Stop all kde application 
kwrko> and processes (klauncher, kioslave, kded, dbus-daemon). Then delete the
kwrko> .kde directory in your profile directory (run  dir "%USERPROFILE%" in a
kwrko> command window).

kwrko> Then run kbuildsycoca4 and wait until it is finished. Then amarok should
kwrko> run.

kwrko> Ralf

kwrko> ------------------------------

kwrko> Message: 8
kwrko> Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2008 12:21:30 -0700
kwrko> From: "Clinton Reddekop" <clinton.reddekop at gmail.com>
kwrko> Subject: bug reporting
kwrko> To: "KDE on Windows" <kde-windows at kde.org>
kwrko> Message-ID:
kwrko>         <33ad14340802171121t614b85ddw99083dd63530a518 at mail.gmail.com>
kwrko> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

kwrko> Hi All,
kwrko> I tracked down a bug in kdeedu/marble the other day.  I built it from
kwrko> svn trunk, with emerge.  The bug was in the marble code, and it looked
kwrko> like the code just hadn't been finished yet.  I'm pretty sure it had
kwrko> nothing to do with the Windows porting.  Anyway, my question is, if I
kwrko> find a bug in trunk, should I report it, or is it normal for trunk to
kwrko> contain work in progress, which may not be functional (or in some
kwrko> cases, not even compile)?
kwrko> Thanks,
kwrko> Clint

kwrko> ------------------------------

kwrko> Message: 9
kwrko> Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2008 20:40:23 +0100
kwrko> From: Christian Ehrlicher <Ch.Ehrlicher at gmx.de>
kwrko> Subject: Re: bug reporting
kwrko> To: KDE on Windows <kde-windows at kde.org>
kwrko> Message-ID: <47B88DA7.1030709 at gmx.de>
kwrko> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

kwrko> Clinton Reddekop schrieb:
>> Hi All,
>> I tracked down a bug in kdeedu/marble the other day.  I built it from
>> svn trunk, with emerge.  The bug was in the marble code, and it looked
>> like the code just hadn't been finished yet.  I'm pretty sure it had
>> nothing to do with the Windows porting.  Anyway, my question is, if I
>> find a bug in trunk, should I report it, or is it normal for trunk to
>> contain work in progress, which may not be functional (or in some
>> cases, not even compile)?
marble ->> kde-edu ml, maybe #kde-edu

kwrko> Christian

kwrko> ------------------------------

kwrko> Message: 10
kwrko> Date: Sun, 17 Feb 2008 20:44:56 +0100
kwrko> From: Andreas Pakulat <apaku at gmx.de>
kwrko> Subject: Re: bug reporting
kwrko> To: kde-windows at kde.org
kwrko> Message-ID: <20080217194456.GC7304 at morpheus.apaku.dnsalias.org>
kwrko> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

kwrko> On 17.02.08 12:21:30, Clinton Reddekop wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> I tracked down a bug in kdeedu/marble the other day.  I built it from
>> svn trunk, with emerge.  The bug was in the marble code, and it looked
>> like the code just hadn't been finished yet.  I'm pretty sure it had
>> nothing to do with the Windows porting.  Anyway, my question is, if I
>> find a bug in trunk, should I report it, or is it normal for trunk to
>> contain work in progress, which may not be functional (or in some
>> cases, not even compile)?

kwrko> You should report the bug, the only thing that shouldn't go into
kwrko> bugs.kde.org are

kwrko> - compilation errors (especially for trunk/)
kwrko> - bugreports against kde4 apps that didn't have an alpha release yet
kwrko>   (unless the developers of the app state otherwise)

kwrko> Andreas

С уважением,
 Alex                          mailto:alexlaway at gmail.com

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