Crash on Startup in realease of amarok

Matthias Pospiech matthias.pospiech at
Sun Feb 17 14:48:20 CET 2008

Ralf Habacker schrieb:
> Matthias Pospiech schrieb:
>> If I start amarok of the latest release of kde-windows then I directly 
>> get a crash with "Procedureinsprungspunkt ... nicht gefunden in "tag.dll""
>> I was wondering if this is due to an error in the installation or a 
>> path-setting or a bug in amarok?
> You are using problably an outdated taglib library. You can see this by 
> looking for taglib-* files in  <installroot>/manifest for example:
>  taglib-msvc-1.4.0-4-bin.mft
>  taglib-msvc-1.4.0-4-bin.ver
>  taglib-msvc-1.4.0-4-lib.mft
>  taglib-msvc-1.4.0-4-lib.ver
> which say that version 1.4.0-4 is installed.
In my case it is Version 1.4.0-3 with all mingw and msvc files.

If I restart the installer it shows all packages except base and amarok 
as old and the box is not selected. However I had already selected these 
to be updated, which downloaded at least somethign and installed 
something. If  I now select these packages again it seems to go through 
the same process again. However If I restart the installer afterwards 
the sitation is as it as before.
The taglib version does not change as well. I am Confused...


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