emerge/cmake problem

Clinton Reddekop clinton.reddekop at gmail.com
Mon Feb 11 20:08:25 CET 2008

Hi Holger,

> I'm curious - is this to tell you what emerge thinks kdeedu depends on?
> >
> yes, and this is also the exact order in whihc these dependencies would be
> compiled. so this is quite "interesting". can you post, which command you
> executed to get the error in the first mail in this thread ?

Starting with  kderoot empty except for etc\kdesettings.bat, and no kdesvn
or kdedownload folders, first I did
    svn co svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/kdesupport/emerge
then when that completed I did
    emerge mingw
then when that completed I did
    emerge kdeedu
and when I came back after many hours I saw the error as I posted it in the
first message of this thread.
The "..." at the start of the error output I posted is replacing many many
lines of output.

I should note that I then tried the same procedure, but modified
cmake-2.4.7.py to use cmake 2.4.8, and my replies to Saro Engels' questions
in this thread have all been based on this second build attempt.  However,
cmake 2.4.8 seems not to have changed anything.

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