Pcre.dll lib

Boris Ratak b.ratak at yahoo.fr
Fri Feb 8 14:33:39 CET 2008


I've given KDE-Windows a try and fortunately, the 0.8.6 installer is WAY easier than the 0.8.5 ! (Which never succeded at installing KDE on my system). I just had to remove the broken KDE system and reinstall with the 0.8.6. (WinXP SP2)

I had a little problem with several applications asking for pcre.dll. I downloaded it from http://sourceforge.net/project/downloading.php?groupname=gnuwin32&filename=pcre-7.0-bin.zip&use_mirror=heanet
and placed it in the bin directory. But my question is : Why didn't it come with the whole KDE package ? Was it just forgotten ?

Keep up the good work guys ! Can't wait to see the whole KDE package under windows !


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