Some bugfixing!

Christian Ehrlicher Ch.Ehrlicher at
Tue Dec 9 23:11:10 CET 2008

Michael Seydl schrieb:
> Michael Seydl wrote:
>> Christian Ehrlicher wrote:
>>> Michael Seydl schrieb:
>>>> Hi!
>>>> Tried to build kdesupport from the scratch and encountered some 
>>>> problems. I already prepared a patch against the latest trunk to fix 
>>>> the building issues. Mostly fixes on the CMakeFiles.
>>>> I'm working with CMake 2.6-patch2 from the kde-installer.
>>>> Now everything works fine form me.
>>>> Hope that helps.
>>> Index: kdewin32/CMakeLists.txt
>>> ===================================================================
>>> --- kdewin32/CMakeLists.txt    (revision 895040)
>>> +++ kdewin32/CMakeLists.txt    (working copy)
>>> @@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
>>>      add_subdirectory(tests)
>>>  endif(BUILD_TESTS)
>>> -configure_file(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/include/winposix_export.h.cmake 
>>> ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include/winposix_export.h)
>>> +configure_file(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/kdewin32/include/winposix_export.h.cmake 
>>> ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/include/winposix_export.h)
>>>  # find the headers
>>>  file(GLOB _source_headers  include/*.h)
>>> This will break kdewin32 build when building standalone (which is the 
>>> normal way).
>>> Christian
>> Thx for the hint! I'll remove that from the patch. And how about the 
>> rest? Anything useful for you guys?
>> Mike
> Sorry for posting that fast again, but wouldn't it make sense to remove 
> kdewin32 from the root CMakeLists file so no one else is tempted to make 
> this mistake again?
I don't know one windows developer who compiles kdesupport at a whole. 
And if a windows dev does all on his own he should have enough knowledge 
to fix such small issues.


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