Kile on windows

Patrick Spendrin ps_ml at
Mon Dec 1 16:18:21 CET 2008

TeXWorld schrieb:
> Hello,
> I'm a latex user and I'd like to know if kile is available on kde for 
> windows ?
It seems that building kile is no problem so far, but I guess there are 
some heavy problems when it comes to using any outside tools (e.g. the 
latex compiler etc.). As I already said in my blog, I have no time and 
no idea how such a latex environment would have to look like, how to set 
this up and where kile's bugs are (e.g. neither kate nor kile do have a 
console integration. The question is: is this needed(if yes, we will 
need probably more than 1 year for fixing this), how does kile interact 
with latex compilers etc. (I disabled some pipe code which definitely 
has to be rewritten...)).
> If it is not, do you have an idea wether it will be ?
> This editor is really great and I'm very impatient to have it on windows.
Basically I have to repeat this as well:
Kile currently needs somebody who dedicates a lot of time into the 
windows port, who is able to fix some minor errors, who knows how to 
solve the problems above and who can make sure that kile bugs(on 
windows) will be fixed in the long time.
> Thanks.
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