Qt OSS/mingw installer

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at freenet.de
Tue Sep 11 11:49:20 CEST 2007

Frank Osterfeld schrieb:
> Hi list,
> for another project I am trying to create custom Qt/Windows packages 
> (OSS/mingw), from qt-win-opensource-src-4.3.1.zip.
> Without using an installer, there are some problems with the resulting 
> packages, such as hardcoded paths (for translations, plugins etc.) to my 
> local source directory in the DLL files. I want to make sure that all 
> resources such as translations, plugins are found automatically after 
> installation, all registry keys are set etc.
> The Qt/ming installer provided by Trolltech 
> (qt-win-opensource-4.3.1-mingw.exe) apparently does several modifications to 
> the installed DLL's (e.g., the hardcoded translation and plugin paths are 
> replaced by the installation directory in the Qt DLL's at installation time), 
> sets registry keys and so on.
> The problem is, Trolltech doesn't provide the .nsi script they use. We (KDAB) 
> will approach Trolltech and ask them to release the NSIS installer source 
> script if possible.
> I checked the package installed by the KDE installer, and apparently your 
> package has exactly the same problems as my zip file. 
Can you give some details how do you have checked that our packages does 
have the same problem  ?


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