Missing library in kde windows

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sat Oct 20 15:22:59 CEST 2007

On 20.10.07 14:13:40, claudio.cava at tin.it wrote:
> Hi all. I am Claudio from Turin. I downloaded and installed kde on
> windows, but many applications don't work. There are several .dll
> files, like libkdecore.dll, missing. Shall I compile something or
> download some other package?

If you use the kdewin-installer it should automatically select the
needed requirements and install them as well (i.e. kdelibs, the various
libs like jpeg, png, dbus and so on).

Doing the download manually is not advised, as you have to find the
various deps yourself on the cegit.de server.


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