kdebuildsycoca does not work

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sun Oct 7 14:18:18 CEST 2007

On 07.10.07 13:12:21, Christian Ehrlicher wrote:
> Hi,
> I get an assert in kstandarddirs.cpp:642:
> Q_ASSERT(prefix != "/");
> It worked yesterday morning.

David Faure added that line, I suggest to talk to him about that and its
impact on win32. I guess we'd need something like QDir::rootDir()
instead of "/".

> I also get a lot of warnings like this:
> Warning:kbuildsycoca4(1448) class QByteArray __cdecl 
> KConfigIniBackend::printableToString(const class QByteArray &,const class QFile 
> &,int): "KConfigIni: In file 
> D:/Programme/kdelibs/share/kde4/services/searchproviders/austronaut.desktop, 
> line 18: " "Invalid escape sequence "\{"."

I get those since at least a few weeks when running kbuildsycoca4. But I
couldn't see any problems coming from that..


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