place for oxygen .ico files

Saro Engels ps_ml at
Thu Nov 8 14:35:27 CET 2007

As there was a bug message somewhen here on the list I started to add 
icons to the edu apps. As Pino Toscano stated this was of course not 
totally correct since I didn't used the oxygen icons I should have used.
And there is a second thing which isn't quite as it should be:
The oxygen icons reside in kdebase, I added the icons for the edu apps 
for now into the edu tree; I think the right place would be kdebase but 
the guys from #oxygen told me not to put them there. There is another 
place where they could go to: kdesupport/kdewin32 which is definitely 
not built under linux and needs to be installed for windows.

Since more then half of the icons are still missing (there are no oxygen 
icons yet) it isn't as pressing yet but please leave a comment.


I added the macro to read the .rc-files to the findkdewin32.cmake file

Since it might not be clear:
.ico files are no simple jpeg, png or similar but a collection of 
several bmp's that need to be compiled into one file using png2ico.exe 
so basically one needs to find the icons with different width and height 
(16x16,32x32,48x48,64x64,128x128) and compile them into one file:
'png2ico %APPNAME%.ico 16x16/%APPNAME%.png 32x32/%APPNAME%.png 
48x48/%APPNAME%.png 64x64/%APPNAME%.png 128x128/%APPNAME%.png'
then add[1] a .rc file, change[1] the CMakeLists.txt file of the app and 
build the app and there you have the apps with the icons.

[1] see all kdeedu apps as an example.

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