Error linking

Koluely koluely at
Thu Jun 28 15:08:20 CEST 2007

Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> Your copy of kdelibs is totally outdated. (its older than a week).
> Please update.
> Andreas
Thank you. older than a week = totally outdated, What a fast development!

I've tried with 680990, 681089 and 681273 and the problem is gone. Now 
there's a
problem with kde.dll and auto-importing Shall i assume someone is 
already working on it?

Linking CXX shared module ../../bin/kde.dll
Info: resolving Phonon::AbstractMediaStream::staticMetaObject  by 
linking to __imp___ZN6Phonon19AbstractMediaStream16staticMetaObjectE 
Info: resolving vtable for Phonon::AbstractMediaStreamPrivateby linking 
to __imp___ZTVN6Phonon26AbstractMediaStreamPrivateE (auto-import)
CMakeFiles/kde.dir/kiomediastream.obj: In function 
variable 'vtable for Phonon::AbstractMediaStreamPrivate' can't be 
auto-imported. Plea
se read the documentation for ld's --enable-auto-import for details.
CMakeFiles/kde.dir/kiomediastream.obj: In function 
variable 'vtable for Phonon::AbstractMediaStreamPrivate' can't be 
auto-imported. Please read the documentation for ld's 
--enable-auto-import for details.
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
mingw32-make[2]: *** [bin/kde.dll] Error 1
mingw32-make[1]: *** [phonon/platform_kde/CMakeFiles/kde.dir/all] Error 2
mingw32-make: *** [all] Error 2

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