This makes no sense.
Andreas Pakulat
apaku at
Wed Jun 20 15:30:53 CEST 2007
On 20.06.07 08:07:36, Andrew Berg wrote:
> Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > On 20.06.07 07:35:58, Andrew Berg wrote:
> >> Hash: RIPEMD160
> >>
> >> Ralf Habacker wrote:
> >>> Andrew Berg schrieb:
> >>>
> >>> Before compiling all the stuff by yourself at the very first: do you
> >>> have tried the KDEWIN installer on
> >>> ?
> >>>
> >>> There are out of the box binary packages which may help to get starting
> >>> into KDE WIN development very quickly.
> >> I downloaded the binary release of Qt, but I reconfigured for openssl
> >
> > Instead of that, you should use the installer. It provides a directly
> > usable qt4.3.
> > Seriously, unless your on a low-bandwidth connection which you have to
> > pay for I'd remove everything and start from scratch with the installer.
> I'm on dialup. :'(
> If it only requires a redownload of Qt, and moving a few things, it'd
> be fine. I'm not sure how the directory structure is set up with the
> installer though. I see \include and \manifest; should I expect to
> have the standard \bin, \lib, etc.? Or would I get by without moving
> anything?
The installer installs most things into <targetdir> using a standard
unix-structure, i.e. bin/, lib/, include/ (the manifest is metadata for
the installer, AFAIK). Neither mingw nor Perl are installed into this
structure, only their installers are downloaded and started. You can of
course skip mingw and/or perl if you already have them and have setup
your environment for them properly. Oh and the same with cmake.
So basically you'd end up with the installdir including qt, kdewin32,
strigi, all the win32libs properly separated into lib,include and bin
dirs (and share, for some stuff like the mime database).
After that you should be able to create the kdelibs builddir and run
cmake <kdelibs-srcdir> from there. Make sure that the bin dir of the
kdewin-installer-installed stuff is in PATH and eventually you have to
set CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH and CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH to the include and lib
dirs respectively.
A day for firm decisions!!!!! Or is it?
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