How to get kdebug messages from applications?

Ralf Habacker ralf.habacker at
Tue Jul 10 17:39:48 CEST 2007

Andreas Pakulat schrieb:
> Hi,
> albeit some win32 code in kdebug.cpp I don't get any command window when
> starting kdevelop, nor does it output its messages into the running
> console. 
kdevelop and many kde applications are linked as non console
application. Because of this no putput is generated by default. I had
added some code to enable the own or parents console windows, but
unfortunally mostly messages go to /dev/null because klauncher for
example runs as hidden console app.

> Am I supposed to do something extra to get the kdebug output?
In the recent binary kdelibs package from I added some
experimental stuff to redirect all kde and qt debug output to the win32
debug message port  (I reported in this mailing list)
If you are not using this binary release you should apply the appended
patch to your kdelibs source and rebuild kdecore. Additional you have to
install the DbgView tool from


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