Hint for WINE users

Kevin Kofler kevin.kofler at chello.at
Sun Jul 8 04:40:10 CEST 2007

The font problem can be worked around by setting the emulated Windows version 
in wineconfig to Windows Me, at least for the Qt/KDE-using apps. I think the 
Win2k+ font calls are not implemented properly in WINE, as GTK+ >=2.8 (which 
requires an NT-based Windows >=2000 due to the font functions used by Cairo) 
is also screwed up (at least it was last I checked), whereas 2.6 (which used 
Win9x/Me-compatible calls) works. It would also be consistent with faking the 
Windows version to Me "fixing" the problem for Qt.

However, a worse issue than the font one is that D-Bus didn't work at all in 
WINE last I checked. (And I tried all possible settings for the emulated 
Windows version. I think the NT security functions used by D-Bus for 
authentication are (were?) simply not implemented in WINE.)

        Kevin Kofler

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