KDE windows alpha 2 release available

Marcel Partap mpartap at gmx.net
Sat Jul 7 14:25:55 CEST 2007

Hi there,
well check this out :)
I tried running this under WINE 0.9.40, and well the installer really still makes it too easy to make wrong choices (why
offer 3 versions of QT of which only the MINGW one works? I had a very similar problem to Porfirios with some undefined
function).. well _exactly_ following the steps in the mail made it kinda.. work *g (see attached screenshots)
So Kwrite starts you can drag around the toolbar but if you click on any button an error message comes up. Konqueror
comes up so briefly it took me some time to grab a screenshot with ksnapshot (startup time of ksnapshot longer than of
konqueror4 under wine wtf ;)
well kdebugdialog looks quite messed up too as does anything else that starts up. It seems the fixme messages indicate
the problem lies with those not completly implemented WINE font functions:
fixme:font:ExtTextOutW flags ETO_NUMERICSLOCAL | ETO_NUMERICSLATIN | ETO_PDY unimplemented
fixme:system:SystemParametersInfoW Unimplemented action: 8202 (SPI_GETFONTSMOOTHINGTYPE)
Also the command line parameters mostly don't work..
but... Well it starts up!
looking forward to this ;)
regards marcel
P.S.: uploaded the screenshots to my server:

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