Call for Papers: aKademy 2007

Jarosław Staniek js at
Tue Jan 16 19:29:13 CET 2007

Christian Ehrlicher said the following, On 2007-01-16 18:11:

> I'm sorry but it looks like Dublin is a little bit far away.
> But maybe someone can convince me - still some time :)

It's Glasgow, not Dublin :)

> - what do we support (mingw only? msvc - how?)
> - who is making the packages
> - where to store the packages (imho Ralf still has no answer from kde
> ftpadmin)

Good news: Aaron is able to help with this, I am almost sure.

> - what do we want to release (only kdelibs and all the rest
> independently or do the same way like kde/unix does? be aware that we
> can only release some apps)

Not mentining the apps are not well tested on win32. Things like \native\paths 
will bring more 'native' experience, but such things are minor.

> - we need some non-developers (or better: some people who are better in
> writing than me) to get more attention - commit-digest was fine

BTW, There will be a dot story about kde{libs}/win32, just like it's now about 
kde/mac. See
Please post any thought you have on the topic so I'll compile it with my bits.

Same request for Ralf and others - please answer the questions from your 

regards / pozdrawiam, Jaroslaw Staniek
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