KDE installer
Ralf Habacker
ralf.habacker at freenet.de
Thu Jan 11 17:11:33 CET 2007
Hi all,
Christian and I have setup a kde installer, which is able to download
and install gnuwin32 applications. You can found the installer binary on
There are two versions
- kdewin-installer-gui-static-0.6.0.exe - static version, which uses a
local config.txt (copy config.txt into the same location of the exe and
run exe)
- kdewin-installer-gui-shared-0.6.1.exe - a packaged shared version
which uses the remote config.txt on the same host and directory to get
basic configuration on each start.
Because the size of the shared installer is mostly the same as the upx
packaged static version using the shared version reduces the required
efforts to build a static qt version and may be a good solution if the
following issues could be solved.
- The shared version requires currently manually unpacking on the client
site. I heard that some packers are able to unpack and run an exe inside
the self extracting exe, but I do not know it yet.
- the starting time of the shared installer is higher because of loading
of all the required dll's.
- using the shared version adds duplicated qt dlls to the kde installation
Note: The size of the static and shared exe could be reduzed by using a
msvc build i assume about 30 %.
Because in the past there were some objectivities about the required
effort, please check this installer and let us find out, if we should go
on in this way or if we should use inno setup and friends.
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