Do we need KDEWIN_DIR as an environment variable? - was: Re: KDE/kdelibs/cmake/modules

Saro Engels ps_ml at
Sun Dec 23 18:44:16 CET 2007

Ralf Habacker schrieb:
> Andreas Pakulat schrieb:
>> SVN commit 751844 by apaku:
>> Don't require FindKDEWIN to succeed, its just a convenience thing to 
>> not have to set CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH and CMAKE_LIB_PATH when installing 
>> gnuwin32 libs into a "known" place (like C:\Program Files\win32libs). 
>> But that breaks things like emerge which already set the two variables 
>> and thus don't set KDEWIN_DIR and don't need to set it.
>> If the convenience thing isn't needed FindKDEWIN.cmake can be removed 
>> completely
> This would mean to exclude application developers using kdewin-installer

No - the point is the following:
I cannot see any difference between the kdesupport libraries (strigi, 
eigen, soprano etc.) and the gnuwin32 libraries except for the source of 
the package. Libraries are libraries whereever they come from.

So basically the idea behind the gnuwin32/kdewin directory is to be able 
to use libraries and header files from different directories than the 
kderoot directory. That should not be limited to one directory and then 
hardcoded within the kde sources - If we have to decide later that we 
really need to change the layout we get serious problems.

As far as I understand cmake the best cmake commandline looks like this:

cmake %builddir% -G "Compiler-Makefile" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%INSTALL%

currently my cmake cmdline looks like this:

cmake %builddir% -G "Compiler-Makefile" -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=%INSTALL% 

This is definitely not the best way: you can see that I have to repeat 
%INSTALL% 4 times whereas it is what both the kdewin-installer and 
emerge produce as the standard installation layout!
My idea is to search CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/include and 
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX/lib without putting it extra to the commandline.
If you have packages in different locations like %PROGRAMFILES%\gnuwin32 
etc. these can be searched for but should not lead to a problem. They 
can be included via the -DCMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH and -DCMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH 
then. In the end we don't need an extra KDEWIN_DIR anymore since we can 
use the other two variables for it.

If we define a new layout later of any kind, we can thus integrate it 
well into that structure.

disclaimer: this problem is not pressing, it just annoys me a bit and 
should be solved somewhen.

wishing all of you a merry christmas,
Saro Engels

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