mime type error

Saro Engels ps_ml at gmx.de
Wed Dec 5 22:39:25 CET 2007

There is a problem concerning the mime-types on our recent windows 
builds and just today I got the full problem and a solution.
If your recent kdelibs don't provide the right mime-type-database for 
files it is because there was a change:

update-mime-database isn't run when installing with make DESTDIR=...

The goal in doing that is that update-mime-database should be run when 
installing on the system, so basically not when installing to the 
package (this is a way for distributions to circumvent updating while 
So if you the have problems depending on mime-types, try to open 
kdeenv.bat from your emerge folder, enter 'update-mime-database 
%KDEROOT%/share/mime' every time you reinstall kdelibs.

Concerning the *real* problem:
We have two possibilities now:
* Either we try to convince the usual suspects to change it for windows 
only and break the freedesktop specs, or
* we append something like 'post-install.bat' (we can call it 
'post-install.cmd' as well;-)) which should be called by the installer 
application, and which gives us the possibility to make some other 
post-install settings as well.

personally I would vote for the second option.


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