Fwd: [akademy-announce] windows BoF

Christian Ehrlicher Ch.Ehrlicher at gmx.de
Wed Sep 27 17:54:53 CEST 2006

Jarosław Staniek schrieb:
> ----------  Forwarded Message  ----------
> Subject: [akademy-announce] windows BoF
> Date: Wednesday 27 September 2006 15:38
> From: Jarosław Staniek <js at iidea.pl>
> To: akademy-announce at kde.org
> Hello,
> A BoF related to windows KDE target is scheduled for today (wednesday).
> Lecture Theatre 1, 19:00, up to 20:00.
> Topics include:
> - what application would you like to port to win32 (e.g. education stuff,
>  text editor)
> - future tasks: installer for the runtime and dev. environment
> - problems related to multiple targets: msvc, gcc
- how does tt see our unofficial patches to compile qt4 with msvc?
- what will happen with those patches when I get access to a commercial
qt4 license?
> - [enter your topic here]
> Holger Schröder will be present as well.
- what to do with kdepimlibs (kcal) as it's not compileable with msvc
due to a compiler bug - it's needed for kdebase :(
- current dbus problems (we still can't run all testcases)
- we need some more attention in the public to get some more people to
work on kdelibs4/win !

- place the next akademy in north germany so I can go there too (or
convince my employer to give me one more week for holidays) ;-)

Sorry I can't be there,

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