Compiling kdelibs with Visual-Studio 2003
Stefan Eilers
stefan.eilers at
Mon Oct 30 16:50:41 CET 2006
Hi Christian!
Am 30.10.2006 um 16:34 schrieb Christian Ehrlicher:
> Looks like msvc 7.1 still can't compile this construct:
> template<> const char* kstyleName<type>() { return name; } \
> Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN(KStyleFactory<type>)
I seems so.. Do you know any equivalent replacement for this that
> I've no problems with msvc8 - looks like msvc8 is the only compiler
> support ed by kdelibs on win32 for now... but don't try to compile
> kdepimlibs. :-(
Ok.. Good to know..
> Although I'm happy to see people trying to compile kdelibs4/win, I
> must say that this isn't the real problem for now. The important
> work has to be done here:
Ok. But one has to start somewhere.. :)
Mfg., Dr. Stefan Eilers
Dr.-Ing. Stefan Eilers
Projekt Manager
basysKom GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Str. 7 | 64293 Darmstadt | Germany
Tel: +49 6151 3969-962 | Fax: -736 | Mobile: +49 170 4213459 |
Jabber: eilers at
stefan.eilers at |
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