kdelibs compilation (windbus error)

Igor Mironchick imironchick at gmail.com
Sat Nov 4 17:46:44 CET 2006

2006/11/3, Christian Ehrlicher <Ch.Ehrlicher at gmx.de>:
> >
> > The better solution is to compile and install libiconv / zlib / libxml
> from
> > the sources to the /mingw directory. Ports to the zlib and libiconv you
> can
> > download from http://www.mingw.org (you will need wget to install too).
> > libxml download from http://xmlsoft.org
> >
> Why ? What's wrong with win32libs?
> Christian

Because it solve problems with linking. By the way this libraries not so
good comiled for mingw. I have some linking problems with libiconv and
libxml (from win32libs) in many others projects. Only after compiling tham
from sources I found solution. All others libs in win32libs is OK.

By the way this libraries (iconv / xml2 / zlib) compile with mingw without
any problems...

And your problem is that Linker can't found libxml2. This may be if Linker
doesn't know where to found them. CMAKE_LIBRARY_PATH told to CMake where
found libraries in configuring moment and LIBRARY_PATH told to Linker where
found libraries for linking.

P.S. Sorry for my english. It's very bad I think. :)

Igor Mironchick,
Intervale (c)
#ICQ 240-470-525
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