[Kde-windows] crystalsvg not found

Jarosław Staniek js at iidea.pl
Thu Feb 23 19:01:40 CET 2006

Peter Kümmel said the following, On 2006-02-23 11:48:

>>>I've tried this but when calling kbuildsycoca.exe it never ends:
>>>kbuildsycoca running...
>>>Is it correct to call it without options? When using --noincremental
>>>it crashes, and with --global there is a ASSERT in Qt.
>>>Seems it's doesn't work on windows. Maybe it is broken because
>>>of the migration to qt4.
>>--noincremental should be the default for windows. Incremental doesn't seem to 
>>work. I've added a macro in the code at least in KDE3 to ensure --noincremental.
> Seems it's not any more a default on windows, because when calling without
> --noincremental it does not crash.
>>By the way, do not run kbuildsycoca from cygwin or msys. This should be 
>>started via mouseclick or a DOS window.
> I've called it in a cmd.exe, maybe cmd (w2k) can't handle the slaches in the path.

It cant but why do you need them? Just run kbuildsycoca. You should have 
KDEDIR/bin/ directory on your PATH...

Also echo %KDEDIR% should return you a valid kde dir value (written using 
backslashes, not slashes).

>>So first make sure you have valid configuration file.
> You mean the files generated by kbuildsycoca?

Yes, ksycoca and ksycocastamp

regards / pozdrawiam,
  Jaroslaw Staniek / OpenOffice Polska

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