qdbus not finding dbus headers

Ben Crawford crawford_ben at yahoo.ca
Sun Dec 3 21:10:04 CET 2006

As mentioned everything up to the point where I get stuck has worked, including applying the dbus patch for qt.

Perhaps I need to modify the patch?  I'll have to check that when I get home from work to check.

Any other ideas would be greatly appreciated.


> I am trying to get things running but have run into some problems.  Everything in the Tutorial so far has worked perfectly, that is until I try to compile qdbus.  I've spent lots of time trying to find a suitable work around.  I did see that some people were having problems with this before but I the solutions that have been suggested aren't working for me.  I'm running XP and using MinGW.  Here is what I get when things go wrong.
> C:\Qt\4.2.1\tools\qdbus>mingw32-make
> cd src && mingw32-make -f Makefile
> mingw32-make[1]: Entering directory `C:/Qt/4.2.1/tools/qdbus/src'
> mingw32-make -f Makefile.Release
> mingw32-make[2]: Entering directory `C:/Qt/4.2.1/tools/qdbus/src'
> Thanks for any help.
Looks like you forgot to apply dbus patch for qt:

patch -p0 < c:\svn\windbus\QtDBus-win32.patch

Don't forget to rerun qmake in tools\qdbus after this.


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