[Kde-winbuild] Build error in extragear/amarok on mingw4 in revision a74aa3f

kdewinbuild at googlemail.com kdewinbuild at googlemail.com
Sun Jun 20 00:25:26 CEST 2010

The full log can be found here: http://winkde.org/pub/kde/ports/win32/releases/nightly/20100619/logs/log-mingw4-extragear_amarok.txt

		-checksum <md5|sha1>   set checksum mode (default: md5)
		-compression <1|2>     set compression mode to
		                            1 - zip, default
		                            2 - tar.bz2
		-destdir <path>        directory where to store the zip files to
		-name <packageName>    specify package name
		-notes <text>          specify additional notes for manifest files
		-root <path>           specify path to root directory of installed files
		-srcroot <path>        specify path to source root
		-srcexclude <pattern>  path pattern to exclude from src package (deprecated, use template)
		-verbose               display verbose processing informations
		-version <version>     specify package version (e.g. 1.2.3 or 1.3.4-5)
		-strip                 strip debug infos (MinGW only)
		-type <type>           specify type of package (mingw, mingw4, msvc{=vc80}, vc90)

		-print-templates       print internal xml templates (kde,qt)
		-template <filepath>   use xml template <filepath> for generating modules
		-template kde | qt     choose internal template (default is to use the old implementation
emerge fatal error: while packaging. cmd: c:\kde\kde-mingw4\.\bin\kdewin-packager.exe -name amarok -root c:\kde\kde-mingw4\build\extragear\amarok-2.3.1\image-mingw4-Release-gitHEAD -version 20100620 -destdir C:\kde\kde-mingw4\tmp\20100619\packages\extragear_amarok  -srcroot C:\kde\download\svn-src\amarok -checksum sha1 -notes extragear/amarok:20100620:unknown -compression 2  -type mingw4 
emerge fatal error: running python c:\kde\kde-mingw4\emerge\portage\extragear\amarok\amarok-2.3.1.py package 

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