Jenkins-kde-ci: kfloppy master latest-qt4 » Linux, gcc - Build # 6 - Still Failing!

Wolfgang Bauer wbauer at
Wed Mar 23 21:09:25 UTC 2016

Am Mittwoch, 9. März 2016, 13:56:27 schrieben Sie:
> Also, could you please fix the DTD of the docbook under doc/(see the porting
> notes)

JFYI, I changed that a week ago already.

> and check the content of the manual? I guess that it's mostly
> correct, but the content of the appendix talks about an experimental
> feature, for example.

I checked, and the manual is fine AFAICT, I didn't do real (functional) 
changes anyway.

I worked on the documentation today, mainly changed the version number and I 
added myself to the credits list.
But the command line options section was outdated because of the port to KF5, 
so I updated it too.

I pushed my changes to git, I hope they are ok.
Please tell me if there's anything left to be done from my side.

Regarding the "experimental feature" in the appendix you mentioned: I never 
used that feature myself, so it is still experimental from my side.
And it's not really exposed in the user interface either.
I think it's better to leave the documentation as-is in this regard.
Maybe I'll work on this in the future... ;-)

Kind Regards,

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